How are you?
I'm a little bit stressed because I have too many things to do and I would like to finish all as soon as possible... While all this isn't did I will keep being nervous.
Well, anyway, I'm going to tell you some things that happen to me in my life.
The other day, on Friday night, my sister gave me lift to Robin's house. After a few minutes we decided to go to the Capitans Cabin where we drank some beers and we talked... Also we met some friends that we hadn't seen for some months. At quarter past two in the morning we came back Robin's home ans both of us felt asleep. Some hours later my alarm clock went off, I woke up and I started to prepare everything to go to work. Even, I had some cereals and I put them in a plastic bag because I was late. After all that I went out to wait for my mum to pick me up and the time was going on and my mum didn't appear. I tried to phone her with my mobile but in my phone account the money round out. I was very nervous, I returned home and I used the fixed telephone. My mum told me that I was wrong with the time, it was an hour earlier. In that moment I thought; I'm stupid! I'm silly! I'm a fool!!!!!! and I went back to bed.
At the real time, when I had to go to work I was tired and I felt asleep because sleeping, waking up and sleeping again isn't good!
2 comentaris:
Oh no! What a nuisance!
I know how you felt after finding out you were an hour earlier, because it happened to me once. My mobile (which I use as the alarm clock)went crazy and woke me up too early!
Then I couldn't sleep again...
But luckily you were too early, better than too late!
You forgot to ay something! You woke me up toO! Rember? and it was not funny!
You're a fool! It's only a joke!^^
Lv u xxx
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