I was born in Figueres on 19th of February 1992. All my life I have lived in Fortià. I'm the second daughter and I'm twelve years younger than my sister. My parents are Dolors Alfaro and Manel Travé, I'm proud of them. When I was three years old I started to go to school in Figueres. The school was called "Cor Mar". I went to the same school until the last year of primary. These years were when I had very good marks, always ten. Also it was the time when I didn't have any worries and I was completely happy. Then when I went to IES in Castelló d'Empúries I thought that I wouldn't like it because I didn't know anybody and it was a hard change. First and Second of ESO weren't specially good years for me, but in Summer 2006 I experimented new sensations like my first kiss. Also it was the first year that I started going out. I spend all my holidays in La Cellera de Ter with my cousin until I was fourteen. An year later I travelled to California and it's the last trip I have made. Years before I had already visited New York, Niagara Falls, Yucatan Peninsula, Cuba, Granada and Italy. Last year was the first time I worked. I worked to three months in a shop situated in Figueres. It was a great experience because I realise how hard it is to earn money, but in the end I was tired because I couldn't do a lot of things that I wanted to do. For example going to the beach... Now I'm studying first of "Batxillerat", it's difficult and I must work a lot but finally all has a reward. Another important thing in my life is a person who I love very much. You can imagine who is him. In the future I hope to be able to finish my vet's career and safe a lot of animals.
4 comentaris:
I like your post because its original: your biography!jaja
This post remember me the dialouge that we did last term=)
CU Claraa!
California is one of the travels of my dreams, I've always wanted to go there, I don't know why XDD.
But you go to London with Robin, it's even more amazing! [waaaaw]
see you Claraaaa ;)
life is always hard but in the end you will alwaya have a reward and you know that im there for you!
XXX C ya
ive been to california, its a really great place,
ill be seeing you tonight right??
SINCE IT'S carnaval in your town and all!!hah
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